If you spend much time on a college campus, read college ministry-related blogs, or talk to students (or their parents), sooner or later you will run into talk about the problems of students consuming too much alcohol and “hooking up”
If you spend much time on a college campus, read college ministry-related blogs, or talk to students (or their parents), sooner or later you will run into talk about the problems of students consuming too much alcohol and “hooking up”
One of the major questions I think about often – partly as a scholar, but more so as a questioning Christian – touches on how “history” as a discipline and “theology” as a discipline relate – or not. Stick with
N.T. Wright writes faster than I can read. Having relished a few of his other works, I sat down with his new How God Became King: The Forgotten Story of the Gospels, (HarperOne, 2012). I’m not finished and I’ve been trying