The United Methodist Judicial Council (JC) has issued their ruling on the proposed plans going to General Conference 2019. They have done us a big favor. They help us to realize the fundamental rift running through the denomination. First, a
The United Methodist Judicial Council (JC) has issued their ruling on the proposed plans going to General Conference 2019. They have done us a big favor. They help us to realize the fundamental rift running through the denomination. First, a
Like many United Methodists (and others watching us), I have been trying to keep up with the details of the plans on offer to the 2019 General Conference. As alternate proposals and modifications are advanced, the picture both clarifies and
With trepidation I enter the lists on the topic of the reinstatement of Bishop Earl Bledsoe. (For anyone possibly unaware, Bishop Bledsoe was involuntarily retired by action of the South Central Jurisdictional Committee on the Episcopacy with ratification by the
Much buzz is taking place around the United Methodist Judicial Council’s decision to restore the language of the 2008 Book of Discipline regarding “guaranteed appointment.” Another attempt to change structure (therefore practice) has bitten the dust and, according to the