All of us who knew Billy (William J.) Abraham (1947-2021) were stunned last week when we received the grievous news of his death. Since then, I have read several moving remembrances. Some of Billy’s seminary and graduate students have written
All of us who knew Billy (William J.) Abraham (1947-2021) were stunned last week when we received the grievous news of his death. Since then, I have read several moving remembrances. Some of Billy’s seminary and graduate students have written
I had a stimulating phone conversation with a friend today. She recounted that an acquaintance of hers, hearing a talk I gave some time back, described it as “not very intellectual.” As is often the case, the conversation has sent
There is plenty of worry these days (mostly among us older adults) about entitled young people and not-very-resilient college students. Because of the work I do, I feel a good deal of sympathy for emerging adults and wince at these
It is Easter season and many of us are still pondering the joy and the challenge of the New Creation, demonstrated through the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Thoughts about the chronological overlap between Passover and Easter, especially this year, coupled
This is a little experiment. I’m deviating from my usual themes by sharing this blog video, “Why Government Should Not Run Like a Business.” I’d like to know what you think.