As a companion to the previous installment, in this post I want to advocate for a thesis that long ago fell into disfavor. I’ll put it in its simplest and most straightforward form and then explain. Church-related colleges and universities
As a companion to the previous installment, in this post I want to advocate for a thesis that long ago fell into disfavor. I’ll put it in its simplest and most straightforward form and then explain. Church-related colleges and universities
In this last installment on my little series of reflections from Tim Clydesdale and Kathleen Garces-Foley’s book, The Twentysomething Soul, I focus on that oh so slippery demographic category, The Nones. This cohort of emerging adults has suffered a good
Two United Methodist-related schools have gotten some attention lately because they have hired non-Christian chaplains. Emory University’s new Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life, Gregory McGonigle, is a Unitarian. Shenandoah University in Virginia has added Hanaa Unus as Chaplain and
I had the most enjoyable privilege of participating in a panel discussion on the gospel and the university campus, sponsored by The Living Church Institute. It gave me the opportunity to interact with a group of practitioners who had very
A very important opportunity is going to waste in talks about the campus rape culture. Rolling Stone reported on a gang rape in a fraternity house at the University of Virginia and has recently admitted “discrepancies” in the victim’s account.