Today, I worry about sounding downright ungenerous and small-souled. Even more, I worry because the topic I’m about to join cuts a little too close to the bone for me personally. I’m going to try to use parts of my
Today, I worry about sounding downright ungenerous and small-souled. Even more, I worry because the topic I’m about to join cuts a little too close to the bone for me personally. I’m going to try to use parts of my
Just time for a quick one. I hope you friends and colleagues who attended the Wesleyan Theological Society meeting had a most edifying experience (Kevin, I hope your paper went well!). I’m in Montgomery, AL, at the beginning of a
Working on a college campus puts one in the position of hearing lots of talk about diversity: racial diversity, national and ethnic diversity, cultural diversity, religious diversity, gender diversity. These are among the standard referents for folk in higher education.