A friend of mine pointed me yesterday to a tweet that states flatly, “‘Orthodoxy’ is code for white privilege, homophobia, racism and sexism.” There you have it. One group of United Methodists thinks another group of United Methodists (1) stubbornly
A friend of mine pointed me yesterday to a tweet that states flatly, “‘Orthodoxy’ is code for white privilege, homophobia, racism and sexism.” There you have it. One group of United Methodists thinks another group of United Methodists (1) stubbornly
In a previous post, I talked about United Methodism’s implosion. Of course, we are not a building. We are a people. Hence, the implosion can be reversed. What do we do to make the reversal happen? It’s time for me
Having finished N.T. Wright’s How God Became King (see September 27 post), a few somewhat scattered and searching thoughts. First, my conviction about the old Methodist division remains strong and grows. A reading of Wright’s book will challenge that problem and