In the 4th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Jesus announces in his home town that, “today,” the words of the prophet Isaiah have been fulfilled. “To let the oppressed go free” is part of that proclamation. The first act
In the 4th chapter of the Gospel of Luke, Jesus announces in his home town that, “today,” the words of the prophet Isaiah have been fulfilled. “To let the oppressed go free” is part of that proclamation. The first act
Casey Pachall, star quarterback for TCU, has been suspended from play indefinitely by Coach Gary Patterson. Another brush with the law – this time a DWI arrrest – has apparently forced Coach Patterson’s hand. blogger, Mike Hashimoto, says of star
(Warning: this blog contains graphic material not suitable for weak stomachs.) Since when did watching people vomit become funny? I admit, I do not watch these TV shows, so maybe it was just a coincidence. Last week, I watched my