So far as I know, every United Methodist-affiliated college or university would either describe itself or agree with the description of “non-sectarian.” It means that we do not require anyone to go to chapel, take a particular religion course, or
So far as I know, every United Methodist-affiliated college or university would either describe itself or agree with the description of “non-sectarian.” It means that we do not require anyone to go to chapel, take a particular religion course, or
Robert Benne (Quality with Soul) argues that for a church related school to carry out its mission consistent with its identity, a critical mass of committed Christians involved in leadership is a “necessary precondition.” (pp. 179-180) I’d like to try
In response to my previous post about UM leaders not giving up on church related colleges and universities, a friend challenged me with some probing questions. He couldn’t see, for example, how my claim that we can develop a robustly
I’ve been working for a UM-related college or university since 1995. During that time, in a variety of ways, I’ve heard an alarming number of church leaders admit that they have essentially given up expecting denominational schools to make any
Two articles I have read recently rev my mental engines on higher education. Warning: a rant looms. Like getting caught in a whirlpool, two major opinions go round and round in higher education: 1. We’re losing the liberal arts and