People who care about their craft borrow ideas and resources wherever they can find them in order to get better at what they do. Having worked in college for almost twenty years, I’m obviously very interested in student development. I
People who care about their craft borrow ideas and resources wherever they can find them in order to get better at what they do. Having worked in college for almost twenty years, I’m obviously very interested in student development. I
David Bentley Hart, in The Experience of God, makes this important observation: “To bracket form and finality out of one’s investigations as far as reason allows is a matter of method, but to deny their reality altogether is a matter of
So far as I know, every United Methodist-affiliated college or university would either describe itself or agree with the description of “non-sectarian.” It means that we do not require anyone to go to chapel, take a particular religion course, or
Robert Benne (Quality with Soul) argues that for a church related school to carry out its mission consistent with its identity, a critical mass of committed Christians involved in leadership is a “necessary precondition.” (pp. 179-180) I’d like to try
In response to my previous post about UM leaders not giving up on church related colleges and universities, a friend challenged me with some probing questions. He couldn’t see, for example, how my claim that we can develop a robustly